Miracle in the Making: The Jubilee Journey (Part 5)

Author’s note: Before I continue with this next installment, on behalf of Lyssah and I, thank you all for bearing with us the past few months. We know the content rhythm has been impacted by recent events as new territory yields its audibles; however, in the spirit of Habakkuk 2:2, my heart’s desire is to keep documenting these revelations as God tends our hearts during these trying times. Eventually, we will reach a finish line with a return to normality. For now, we press on boasting in the goodness of God and the perfections of Christ (Philippians 3:12).

Written 10/22/21

I have a confession to make.

And I know it may sound weird to some.

But in short, these past few months, I’ve been somewhat selfish, somewhat swollen…

…with heavy margin centered on the artist known as Jubilee. The final quarter of progeny at halftime in the NICU with a score only heaven knows.

Each day, I wake up and take down a familiar theme.

God, keep her alive. Keep her strong. Keep her going,” I say to myself. “So, one day she will rock the nations and be the light in the darkness you’ve always intended her to be.”

A prayer in fair intent set free from spare lament.

Yet, deep down, a different tune…


…oh me, oh my, myopic me.

If only I wasn’t so shortsighted, maybe I could have spared the vanity and considered the pressing present.

For while it’s easy to tie Juby’s survival to her future, the reality is:

  • Her future is now (as evidenced by her middle name, Nileen, which translates to “surrender”)
  • As much as Lys & I cling to Immanuel, we can’t neglect Hosanna.

As the beat goes on…

“Yes, God. Keep Juby in perfect peace, in perfect health as her preemie mind is steadfast on you knowing she’s been purchased at a price. But, oh, would you start something here at the NICU to save the lost and the empty walking through these doors. As much as we believe you’ll use this life, use it now to share the wow of what and who you’re consistently are. A thread in the tapestry, not the tapestry itself, sow us into your supernatural intentions. Refresh and restore this land on which you, not us, are the epicenter…

...and forgive me for thinking the miracle of her survival is enough. It’s not enough. It’s only the beginning. So keep me humble to your next and together, we will get there…

…as you survive us today and revive us again.”


Cover photo creds: Lyssah Fry

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